Habit Elimination Program
Our Habit Elimination program is a customized program available to children or adults who would like to eliminate negative oral habits such as, thumb/finger sucking, pacifier use, and nail or lip biting.
Through effective strategies and communication techniques our Myofunctional Therapist aims to help eliminate the habit using positive, and rewarding methods that respect each child's emotional needs. The rate of success is higher when the child is the decision-maker in eliminating the habit and an active participant in the program. Any oral habits should be eliminated prior to a Myofunctional Therapy program.
Benefits of Habit Elimination:
1. Encourages more ideal growth and development as oral habits tend to:
• Vault the palate, narrowing the nasal cavity, and sinuses promoting mouth breathing and increasing nasal resistance
• Cause open bites/crossbites, atypical molding or reshaping of the the jaw, teeth, head, and neck posture
• Increase risk of orthodontic needs such as braces and appliances
2. Reduce the risk of an undeveloped airway and Sleep Disordered Breathing symptoms
3. Diminishes the chance of infection such as oral, throat, stomach, and fingers
4. Lessen potential jaw pain/discomfort or headaches
5. Help with progression of speech development and decrease chance of speech impediments
6. Builds self-esteem and social acceptance
Until the age of three oral habits can still be considered normal, but past this age it’s important to know that there might be a reason why your child is hanging onto their oral habit. For some it may simply be a habit and for others a sign of an underlying health condition that the sucking habit is helping manage. If you are worried about your child’s oral habit at any age speak to an airway focused Dentist or Myofunctional Therapist. Below are possible additional indications or reasons to seek help.
• Is your child sleeping well? Do they snore? Are they restless in their sleep? Do they wake happy or grumpy? Do they exhibit symptoms of hyperactivity and behavior problems?
• Does your child tend to mouth breathe? Do they regularly have a runny nose, cough or colds? Do they drool excessively?
• Does your child have problems with eating age appropriate foods? Did they have issues with breastfeeding? Do they have reflux, frequent upset tummies or gastrointestinal issues? Do they have a tongue restriction such as a tongue tie?
Face and Mouth Shape:
• Does your child have an open bite or a large overjet? Do they have a little or small jaw that is noticeable to you? Do they have crowded baby teeth?