Do you find yourself feeling nervous at the thought of visiting the dental office? Do you avoid the dentist’s chair at all costs? If so, you may be one of the countless individuals who have dental phobia.
Often developed from poor dental experiences, anxiety can prevent patients from seeking necessary care, potentially compromising oral health and overall well-being. For individuals living with this, sedation dentistry is often a favorable option for helping overcome fear.
If you are thinking of including sedation into your upcoming procedure or visit, consider these ways sedation can improve your next appointment:
Helping Calm Nerves and Overcome Anxieties - Dental phobias can affect numerous individuals, causing many to put off visits for routine cleanings and checkups. Many of these patients are at a higher risk of developing severe oral health problems.
With the help of sedation, patients often don’t remember the details of their treatment, helping to improve their overall experience. These positive experiences help alleviate anxious feelings about dental care, making it easier for patients to stay diligent with their oral health.
Improve Dental Treatment and Procedures - In addition to helping patients remain calm, sedation is often recommended when an individual needs several treatments during one visit. Depending on the strength of the medication, some patients may feel like they are sleeping during the procedure. In other scenarios, sedation often helps patients feel their procedure is much shorter than it is.
Versatility - Oral and nitrous oxide sedation are two favorable options that can be adjusted to help patients with everything from mild anxieties to debilitating phobias. Nitrous oxide can help you relax as your dental team carefully administers the gas through a nosepiece.
Oral conscious sedation is administered orally in a pill, which you take before your visit. You are conscious and can respond to your dentist’s questions and requests, but you’re relaxed, not focusing on the procedure at hand.
Reduced Chance of Lingering Side Effects- Mild sedation helps make it easy to undergo procedures comfortably. As the relaxation effects often wear off soon after the procedure, patients can typically return to their routine following their appointment.
Contact our office to find out more and schedule a comprehensive evaluation today!